Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A heavy heart

Maybe I am tired of fighting
Maybe I am not that strong
Maybe I don't really know where I belong

There's nothing more to give
There's nothing more to get
There's not much to worry, not much to fret

And still I go on
And still I breathe
And still I have nothing to bequeath

One day I'll be gone
One day at the crack of dawn
One day some place better I will be reborn

© kronosaphrodite 2015


Sometimes I cry alone and can’t get my feelings out
Sometimes I run from people and can’t get my head about
Sometimes my words choke in my throat and can’t be expressed
Sometimes my face openly reveals that I am distressed
But at the end of the day....
When I hear your voice, I feel excited
When I see a text from you, I feel cared for
Your actions not words pierce through my heart
For deep down you make me feel loved, you make me feel alive!

© kronosaphrodite

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I am so tired of being strong,
Waiting patiently all along,
So I try to hum this little song,
It helps me get going on this road so long,
Sometimes I stray, wonder what went wrong,
Sometimes I don't know where I belong!

I am so thankful, I can still play this game,
Feel alive when I hear of your name,
I try to be worthy but don't fit all the same,
Is it just me or my destiny to blame?
When the mind's mad with desire, it's hard to tame,
It's not ready to accept you aren't mine to claim,

I am so hopeful, I would let go to see,
Whether or not you come back to me,
And if our story is never meant to be,
I will forever be a shore reaching out for its sea,
The passion to love you is my soul's only plea,

There's a door to my heart for which, only you hold the key! 

© kronosaphrodite