Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I see it coming now,
From a far distant gaze,
Hopes all crashing down,
Left in nothing but a daze,
I look all around me,
I see people going by,
I'm sitting alone I wonder why?
I guess now, no more I have to pretend,
For I see it approaching, the beginning of my end!!!

© kronosaphrodite


Life is a burden that I carry, It grows heavier with each passing day,
Becomes deeper as I stride along the way,
The way that leads to nowhere,
There will be a day when I get there,
There, where I am alone,
As I’m destined to be,
There’s nobody, just my tears and me,
No fear I will know,
No feelings in tow,
As I go deeper and deeper into the dark,
My journey, it has no end,
With life’s burden I have to bend,
Bend lower and lower till I pray,
Let this journey end in my grave!!
© kronosaphrodite