Not knowing what to do, I consulted the almighty Google which directed me
to videos on “How to catch bees in a garden”. Well if a few potted plants
outside your window constitute a garden then, yes show me how. Most videos
were about how to catch a bee when it settles on a flower. I sort of have
a vegetable garden, so I guessed that was the reason our friend was
avoiding the plants. So no, the videos didn’t help. They say necessity is the mother of invention, well I say emergency is
the mother of action. I had to do something quick, the poor critter was
tiring out, and I couldn’t waste time finding reliable solutions on the
internet. I promptly recollected some of the stuff I read on Google about
catching bees and visualized the many possible solutions like putting a
basket/glass/bottle/ over it or dropping a T-shirt over it (my very own
novel idea) and then frantically running towards the open window and
letting it go. In the end, I decided none of these methods were foolproof;
one of us would definitely be harmed in the process. However, by then my
fear had almost vanished and I had been watching our friend boldly with
the window wide open. While I was wondering how I could safely take it
out, I remembered I had those take away plastic containers, but the
question was how to get the bee in it. I found a large plastic container
and left it near the pots in my pseudo garden for it to climb in but our
snooty little friend just crawled past it like it didn't exist.
This was not a ‘Humble bee’; either that or it is in fact a ‘Dumblebee’ as
I was tempted to call it.

© kronosaphrodite